From the land of the lost...there is life.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

melt with you

ritz crackers has a commercial out right now using modern english's "melt with you" as the music.

it bugged me for 2 of the 30 seconds the commercial was on tv. but then it hit me, what the hell else would the band do for a buck these days? everyone is cashing and re-cashing in on anything in their lives deemed valuable. recycling is zeitgeist when you start seeing "behind the scenes" shows on tv programs that have been around for 2 of their 15 minutes.

thanksgiving holiday this year is long. having fun with daughter. i'm every saccrine hallmark card cliche when it comes to being her dad. i'll leave it at that.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

the perfect age

remember when you were a kid? everything kicked ass. the sketchier memories seem like the more important ones because you only have pieces of them -- playing with a grandparent that passed on before you were older, staying up late during a sleepover with friends or swimming in the hotel pool on vacation.

it occurs to me that this is also the best time for the parents. the kids aren't old enough to judge, or to be impacted harshly by the realities of the world.

simple things like leaves turning and pinecones, a single scoop of ice cream or a balloon mean the very world to you. and all there is to have is love.

the holidays are kicking in and rather than give a shit about the stress, dysfunction and bullshit, i am going to focus on having a simple blast with daughter, wife and family. game on.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


As I am shaving this morning, it hits me: I have gray hair AND acne?!

Are you kidding me?! Should that even be allowed?! What cruel natural law permits this for fuck's sake.

Yeah, you'd think this would have come to my attention earlier. I've know about both for quite some time. But I have what I consider to be a delayed light bulb effect. I'm just happy I get a light bulb over my head at all.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Week. End.

Ahhh, Friday. Hard to fuck up a Friday, IMHO. Everyone at work is gearing up for tomorrow night's anniversary party. I'm told it is our big party of the year. Should be fun. I am going solo as wife is on some overnight scrapbook extravaganza.

This gives me and daughter some great quality time. She actually said "I miss Mommy" before wife even made it out of the driveway, but we had a blast. We mostly hung out and watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I bought it ages ago in anticipation of her getting into older stuff. After watching it, I must say it does not hold up. It takes way too long to get moving and I always assumed the car COULD do all that shit. Do you recall that it was all a bullshit story Dick Van Dyke told the kids?

Daughter loved it though, so that was cool. She is sound asleep now and I broke out the baby monitor to make sure I wake up if she has to go to the john during the night. She will. And I am a sound sleeper. So I am even sleeping in the guest room so I am closer. Hopefully the combo will ensure she does not piss herself waiting for me to wake up.

Wife is six months along now. According to BabyCenter, #2 looks like this:

Horrible segue to discussing Scott Peterson, but here we are. They found him guilty. Can you say appeal? He'll dig in his heels no matter what the final sentence. If they do sentence him to death, it'll be a long while. I am glad this case is over. Let the family have some peace and move on. Am I a lemming for thinking he is indeed guilty? Perhaps. But when the defense argues that while he may be a horrible person, it does not mean he is guilty, wtf are we supposed to think? Even if he was an innocent dick, I would have to believe his body language and facial expressions through the trial would have looked a bit more scared or sad. So no, I do not buy it. Who in the hell else would have committed such a horrible act?

Put on a pot of coffee after daughter went down for the night, I am intent on sucking the marrow out of every last second this evening. Quality time with daughter was a great way to start. Wife checked out some DVDs from the library. She got me Bad Santa?! Which is cool points for wife, but I am amazed at the DVDs you can find in the public library. Freedom of Speech rules, eh?

So after I blog here, I am hoping to blog on my work blog and then settle in for some Billy Bob defiling the Santa suit. Daughter loves the library and proudly showed my her first card this evening. So of course, she saw the Bad Santa and wanted to watch it. That is how we wound up with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She did not know we had the movie and I knew I would need a new movie she was unaware of to take her focus off Bad Santa. It worked.

End of my life as a Dad post. Just glad to be blogging again, even if the quality of my posts are usually much more interesting to someone other than just me. Have a great weekend.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Three LONG, DRY Years

This is to mark the passing of my 3rd anniversary of being sober.

Luckily in this time, I realized WHY I was drinking. Which brings me to my most favorite line from the realm of recovery:

"Emotions are not facts we have to act upon."

Now, I have somehow done this without AA. As my Dad was in AA for many moons, it makes me wonder if I am missing something. More importantly it makes me wonder if I am only partially where I need to be as it relates to recovery. By this I mean I realize that I am an alcoholic and, while I may be recovering, I will always be an alcoholic. Sobriety is a journey and not a destination and in a few seconds, I could be off the wagon.

But have I cleaned up my life completely? My fear is that if I have not, I could lapse back into drink mode.

But I have always been an anxious andy about life in general so this is normal for me I guess.

Did I mention I am at a new job after 8 years? So far so good as I get adjusted and shake off 8 years of dust.

Speaking of 8, my 8th grade reunion was held recently. I could not go as I had a wedding to attend (pretty much the only thing that could trump a time-based event like a reunion). Anyway, I got an odd letter in the mail yesterday. It turns out someone blew up my photo and displayed it at the reunion? A few folks signed it and the group that showed up for the reunion (12 people maybe) all posed for a group picture. That was sent along as well. It was flattering to get the letter I guess and, honestly, even more rewarding to see how I look compared to some of my former classmates. But the whole thing was a bit surreal upon opening the letter.

Speaking of shaking off dust, welcome back to my blog. Some folks stop writing when things go well in their lives. And while things are going well for me, that is not necessarily why I lapsed here. I need Vita. But the muse for writing here was missing in action. It might be due to the focus I have on my work blog right now. And if you have read this far, I dunno why you would care. But I would like the record to show that it is not because life is good.

As you can tell from this meandering post, I am still all four kinds of fucked up. Sober or drunk. :-)