boo, baby. boo.
happy halloween. wife and daughter came out to work for lunch—primarily to show off daughter's costume. at 18 months, halloween is more of a photo opp for her than anything else.they just dropped me off and, while their visit made my day, I am bummed out right now. seeing them during the day, here at the office, reminds me how much I miss them at work. it is cheesier than a
General Foods International Coffee commercial ("Jean Luc!"), but I gotta tell you I am head over heels in love with my daughter. the kid owns me. I guess I love her so much it hurts. reads even cheesier than it sounds, but she makes me one happy "da da."tonight she will be dressed up again in her fairy costume and dragged to both grandparents with an obligatory stop to the old neighborhood to see some of her friends. Dad will stay behind at home and pass out it me or does it feel like a Friday? I had a short week by taking Monday off and I still feel like it should be Friday. somehow that is not a good sign. oy.
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