From the land of the lost...there is life.

Friday, September 06, 2002


another week of work is over. oy. lotsa change went down this week. change is good in my book. but there are many more that excel at finding the bad in matter how management spins it.

daughter has a fever...too high for it to be from the excessive teething she's experiencing right now. it's a virus. poor kid can just sit there and has no clue how to tell us what's going on...she does not know. I'm on watch now as she wakes up every half hour or so it seems. and she's a hot potato at 102 degrees. if only it were january.

painted at my inlaws on sunday. painted at our house last night and painted at inlaws again tonight. would prefer to be painting the house we'll probably still wind up buying. so my arms are weak right now as I realize tomorrow we'll clean the place again in preparation for sunday's open house. it's only been a week, but it feels like time is passing more sloooooooooooooooly than it is. someone just needs to fucking buy our house. it'll happen (he knocks wood as he crosses himself...relying on luck, superstition and religion in a bizarre combination). didja see how freakin' low interest rates are?

analyze this. missed my second appointment with my psychologist due to the job. cannot get back in to see her until a week from monday. sweet crap! the pendelous cycle my life seemingly knows and loves continues in the meantime as I hold tightly onto the safety bar. if work is not fever pitch, house world consumes me. as a result I have no time to relax, spend time with family, or just be selfish and do nothing. MEMEME stuff. this blog'll have to do in the meantime. but I've been busy enough there's been little content here too. wah. boo. hoo. sniff.

they're good problems to have for the most part. but I'm jonesing for some more psychologist time. we hit it off I and really enjoyed the one and only session.