letter writing project
to the roughly half dozen or so people that read this blog, I issue the following challenge: write a good, old fashioned letter to someone you love.sounds corny, sounds stupid, but think about it. no one sends letters anymore. and I'm not talking about a hallmark card. correspondence is a dead art. it's evolved into something else thanks to the Internet.do you loved ones know how much you love them? pick just one of them and write them a letter. it does not have to be a love letter. it does not have to be sappy. just remember that the "the medium is the message."*taking the time and effort to put your thoughts down on paper means a lot. and getting a paper letter in the mail from you will mean one heck of a lot more than a phone call or an email. it'll surprise them. what a great way to get your point across. act now.
*Marshall McLuhan
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