EVERYTHING, all at once
well, I said "bring it" to the week and it has been brought. lots to do with little time to do it before leaving on vacation.
guest blogger coming here: in my absence, I will be having a guest blogger stop by and regale you with tales. he'll have an interesting perspective from my own...but not so far off you won't find what you're looking for here. dunno if he'll spill secrets or tell you who in the hell he is...that's up to him.
making many music mixes: I make mixes like others might make cookies. if that is true, consider it the christmas season as I am making a batch of mixes for the journey south: 7 in total. this represents some pent up ideas, including a mix for my 13 month old daughter-a mix of the latest tunes I am into (fast)-a mix of the latest tunes I am into (slow)-and soft, pop, classic and dance compilations for everyone else. should be worth the effort...if I can get them all done in time.
errands and then some: after work I took my daughter on a walk. well, I walked and she rode in our baby backpack/child carrier...whatever you want to call it. it looks like one of those big-ass, hiking backpacks. it is the bomb for what it does, but I have to believe it makes me look like a total tool. hopefully I get dad points from people that spy me walking around with her and it on my back. I can only hope.then my wife got back from kickboxing and I cut the grass, did dinner dishes and tidied up in general. walking up stairs to start getting ready for tuesday, I caught a wave of chills. the kind of chills that send your ass cowering beneath the covers. took some tylenol and called it a night. but of course, I woke up at 4am and gave up trying to get back to sleep at 4:45 and here I am. planning and scheming the rest of the crap I want to get done before hitting the road. to boot, I think my daughter gave me the 48-hour virus she had last week. I am achy and feel feverish without actually having one.I'll deal if those bad ass chills stay away. I laid there thinking, I wonder if DT's are this bad? or if this is what DTs are like? thank GOD I did not have physical withdrawl so strong that DTs set in when I quit drinking.
prolific or just long-winded? started writing when I was in high school. in fact, in high school I filled up eight notebooks with songs, angst and your general bad poetry with an occasional decent poem interspersed. when college started, I slowed down and aimed for quality instead of quantity. as a result, I recently started my fourth hardbound writing journal.when I hopped on the wagon, I started a journal for that experience as well. add this to my running journal and the journal we started for my daughter (we put in thoughts and notes about her) and you have a shitload of records that could be held against me in a court of law. I tell you all of this as this blog is yet one more piece of evidence added to the list. it is a content hole I must feed. but I have plenty of resources, eh?I am just getting started here kids. So while I may be away for a little over a week in real world (
that's more than a year to you and me here in blog world!), you can bet I'll be back with guns blazing.The shape of content to come includes thoughts on moving from agency life to corporate world, spam titles (the email kind this time), poetry (good or bad? you decide) and the "catalyst" that got me to admit to myself that I am an alcoholic. some call this when I hit bottom. you might even get some of this content yet this week before I leave. especially if I keep waking up at 4:45 in the friggin morn.
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