From the land of the lost...there is life.

Monday, November 04, 2002

ward cleaver?

a close friend, one of maybe two people who know me in real world that also know of and visit this site, was giving me shit about my last couple of posts. I acknowledged that I felt like my content may be dipping into the world of Ward Cleaver.

so whilst the content might be getting a wee bit boring, I have to believe that the winter weather and holidays will bring the usual depression and vitriol that some readers come to enjoy.

I'm still in the new house honeymoon phase, lemme enjoy it. The first mortgage payment and all the bills will be here soon enough and I'll be bitching plenty about not having any money for christmas presents...buying them anyway and then bitching more about living beyond my means.

and I know this makes my friend happy in some sick puppy fashion. it's why I like this person in the first place. "let yer freak flag fly!"