all there is in my head about my favorite subject. ME.
work: I am procrastinating on a nagging project I simply need to finish. But it is Friday, no one is here, weather sucketh muchly and my afternoon is already tanked by a big meeting. Sitting here in suit and tie, I feel less than mature. Will wind up having to come back in on Sunday to trudge through the project no matter what happens.
date night: wife and I are headed out tonight to catch dinner and a movie. we're so far behind in being entertained, we're still interested in catching the summer smash - my big fat greek wedding. daughter's grandma is coming over to watch her.
home: gotta lotta yardwork to deal with on Saturday to keep up with the neighbors. not used to having a big yard, much less one with trees. Weather might actually bring us snow on Saturday too and then there's Christmas lights I should be thinking about here soon. Good news there is our house has an odd, second-floor balcony that will make hanging lights a cinch. Otherwise I will note the 587th thing I like about living in a new house with less character instead of an old house with character out the wazoo...water pressure!
memyselfandi: completely spaced my weekly appointment with my shrink last night and now must wait until a week from Monday to get back in to see her. should be fine. the only thing i wish i had more time for right now? quality time with wife (luckily tonight is date night) and quality time for ME to run. i run in an annual thanksgiving day race...this will be my 8th year doing it. and I am very untrained after ceasing physcial activity due to move. :-(
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