From the land of the lost...there is life.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

top spots, random thoughts

traffic on this site is tracked through site meter. a very cool, very free and very easy way to see if anyone is visiting your blog. there are a few posts in this blog I think are representative of what I consider "quality material." I should probably link to them in the way my good friend does on her blog.

to do that, I need to figure out a ton of html stuff so I can make some changes around here. in addition to adding links in a yet to be coded column (either create a right one or enhance the existing left one) I need to fix the tag board and move it up within reach of the average visitor.

anyway, the point I am getting to is that your top post is pretty much the *only one* a first time visitor will check out in deciding how much time they'll spend at your blog and--more importantly--if they'll return. and as I create this post, I can feel sitemeter's tracking job getting easier and easier!

my wife and I celebrate our 4th anniversary today. there will be no fanfare or special celebrations. we're broke from vacation and our child is sick. does not sound romantic, but we're happy as hell with it. and that's all that matters.

it was also my 32nd birthday recently and I got some cool stuff for it, including new running shoes and a new set of balls...bocce balls!

This probably makes it easier for me to skip any anniversary to do. But as we are saving for a new house so we can have another child (knock wood) we're trying to hold back across the board.