burst of energy
rather than retiring for the night, a burst of energy helped me decide to stay up a bit longer while my wife joins my daughter in peaceful slumber. we have three bedrooms: master bedroom, daughter's room and a guest room/office. I'm in the office and "my women" are in their rooms. and if you had to assign ownership of each room to each family member, it would break out this way. I spend a ton of time in here on the computer.the coolest thing is when, late at night or early in the morning, I check in on my daughter. In the book
"The World According To Garp," Garp was really into checking in on his kids as they slept. Irving wrote how fresh and clean they smelled, so innocent and new to the world. Some just call it baby smell. When I peek in to see my daughter sleeping, I am greeted by this scent.it reminds me to enjoy her infancy. she grows while I am at work...I swear. so we take too many pictures of her...enough to create a flipbook showing a time lapse of her first 15 months. and we have all four kinds of fun playing with her.if sober time moved as quickly as time with my daughter, I'd be celebrating 9 years of sobriety soon and not just 9 months. as time's passing is measured, sober time and daughter time are at two extreme opposites of the spectrum.passing time can become a problem for alcoholics, perhaps all addicts. I spent a lot of time either drinking, or planning to drink. so when you are not drinking at all, you notice long stretches of time. luckily raising a daughter has helped take up my time along with "leisurely pursuits." speaking of which, I will shortly try and post some halfway interesting architecture links...stuff anyone can appreciate. so consider this either fair warning or let the suspense begin.
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