sunday, daughter day
went into work for about four hours today to move ahead on a story i am writing. should have finished it, but that's what i'll do tonight and *gulp* probably tomorrow.daughter has been throwing us some curve balls lately. we're spoiled as she has been real easy as far as crying and throwing fits. but lately she is fighting sleep at naps and bedtime. today she also freaked out at breakfast and would not eat.when i got home, she was still sleeping. she went down later than usual as she fought the nap big time. my wife left as planned and daughter wound up sleeping two hours instead of her usual one. spent the time FINALLY finishing
Confederacy of Dunces. Ignatius Reilly is one hell of a character and i really enjoyed the ending. unbelieveably well-written.once she woke up, we hung out. good time being daddy. took her on a walk...shorter than usual though since she would not wear her hat and mittens. we also checked out the train. she is not as into it as i thought she might be. she is freaked out by mechanical things—blender, bread machine and vacuum all scare her. the train does not scare her, but she's leary of it. we had an awesome time together and we were both happy to see mom when she returned.wife and i also got a chance to talk and tell each other how we feel. i highly recommend communicating more than you think is necessary with your significant other. simply amazing results will take place.
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