short week
my place of work can really take the fun out of a short week. it's tough to explain, but basically everyone is very busy right now. it seems like the chiefs of our tribe begrudgingly acknowledge the holidays (along with families and personal lives). and they rarely change deadlines to accomodate the holidays. recently they told one team they had better do their christmas shopping early this year.i'm a member of the full plate club and thought i'd been doing a good job of balancing everything— until today. a project is late and one of the chiefs is in charge of it. he's being cool about it, but the client is pissed. he acknowledges, in his words, that I "made the right business decision" to let this project get behind to accomplish more important ones. he notes i am "overallocated."so i got THAT going for me.i am not letting it bug me. i've covered my ass as much as i can. hard to believe but, for once, it does not bother me. i know i've been working hard. it tends to take away your fear in these snowed today. it might as well since christmas is tomorrow. or it might as well be.came home and ran as planned. did four miles. the snow accumulated on the grass only. the concrete was merely wet as if EVERYONE had shoveled their walks. but the temperature made it a slower run. oddly enough i thought i ran it faster than last time. i felt great and seemingly was cruising quickly through the course. but the cold slows you down and i finished a minute later. i really pushed it too for that time and can feel it right now. thursday morning will be a bit easier since i was able to train at the last minute. but my time will be nowhere near as good as last years.but before my 6 mile race, i have an 8 hour race scheduled for tomorrow. two deliverables due on a project other than the one mentioned above. tick tock.
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