right and wrong
shoulda seen today coming a mile away. perhaps it is because I have seemingly had my mind focused on everything BUT work lately. perhaps it's because I had acquired some level of self-esteem. well, for whatever reason, today has been one giant ass-kicking for yours truly. and let me be clear: I am the ass-kickee and not the kicker.nope, that job is reserved for the company ceo. he's pissed about a specific element of a project I am working on. I'll spare you the details...not to mention I do not want to get too specific. anyway, my account leader (who's ultimately responsible for this project) and I have spent all morning explaining why we did not do something to our ceo. ceo is making us get something reprinted, a cost the agency will absorb...nearly $2K. ceo is playing disappointed parent. this routine is somethimes worse than just getting chewed out. at least an ass chewing gets it all out on the table and you move on. now EVERYTHING I do on this project and possibly this account will be colored by this "infraction."the good news here is my account leader has moved on and is not freaked by this. I should move on too since he technically took it on the chin here. but, since I have a perfectly rational explanation as to why we did not do what our ceo wanted us to do, I am pissed.why? instead of agreeing to disagree, we are spending money unnecessarily to merely make things the way he wants them. the change we are making will not make the project any more successful. so this leads me to the headline payoff: who's right, who's wrong? I hate dealing with political bullsiht. work is hard enough as it is without having to have an internal political maze to deal with on top of the usual client politics you deal with in a marketing communications agency.I do good work. Fuck you.And I have waaaay too much baggage when it comes to our CEO. Thanks for letting me vent (as if you had a choice).
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