From the land of the lost...there is life.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002


my client informed me of an error in a document I distributed to the media and posted on their Web site. this error was actually pointed out to them by one of their customers. this customer was reading the release as it was about them. in fact, the typo was their name...misspelled.

it gets worse.

for good reasons i will not bore you with, i did not get their customer's approval before distributing and posting this document. the client actually takes responsibility for this piece of the mistake, but needless to say they pulled the document from their Web site.

errrgh.. *insert pic of steam leaking from mybeet red face*

i'm probably being harder on myself than anyone else, but this just plain sucks and pisses me off. it's just the kind of thing that sets me off into an emotional spiral where the "abuse" I inflict upon myself is worse than the issue that initiated it all.

but i won't try and steer myself away from feeling bad...whether the depths of my feeling bad are blown out of proportion or not. the addicted blogger site talks about how they try to simplify recovery but no one can make it easy. likewise, i may stlil be perfecting how much i feel, but i am not going to try and stop feeling. we all know the path that would take me down—repression followed by explosion.

so until i get my emotional response mechanisms tweaked to realistic levels, my day is officially a bad one. luckily this occurred towards the end of the day. this too shall pass.