From the land of the lost...there is life.

Saturday, May 08, 2004


per the post below

by the post below, i just think the media spin people's stories to make them more sensational than they are impressive. i do not doubt people come to america with a few bucks in their pockets and the clothes on their backs, but i would also assume they might know someone over here or have a plan for once they get here. it's not like they walk onto a bus one day and then decide to stay on it and wind up in the U.S. sigh. i need to get a life and take my wellbutrin.

one reason i feel the need to clarify the note below...awhile back i ranted on marge schott - prior to her giving $100 million to charity. i realized i was one of maybe two people willing to remember her bad behavior since she a) died and b) gave a truckload of cash to charity.

a lot of people did not want to taint their memories of baseball (iggy, this is NOT directed at you :-) and merely said she was a product of her generation. others said she was a women and had she been a man it would not have been a big deal.

so that leaves her off the hook? these comments from some non-iggy folks just pissed me off all the more. i'm a product of my generation and i do not go suing wendy's because i was multitasking in the car and spilled coffee on my crank. i'm a product of my generation and i do not go suing KFC/pepsi cause i think i can claim this chicken is actually a rat/soda contains said rat. i'm not suing mcdonald's cause my fat ass cannot get into the car to go to the courthouse to submit my other two lawsuits cause i super-sized it.

you get the idea. and that's just fat, er, fast food.

i will not even try and claim that marge is not a good person for leaving all of her coins to charity. but when people try and ignore other things to merely have a neater/nicer picture of someone --- fuck that.

so my millionare friend below still gets props, but puh-lease. they do not need to be positioned as going from 1 penny to 1 million to be considered a success.

did i mention i need to take my wellbutrin?